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The ABLE Effect: Real Stories from the Oregon Disability Community

The ABLE Effect: Real Stories from the Oregon Disability Community

Advocates and experts share their personal stories of empowerment and building financial security with the Oregon ABLE Savings Plan.

The Oregon ABLE Savings Plan is brought to you by the Oregon State Treasury. The state-sponsored savings program allows people with disabilities and their families to save money for day-to-day expenses and future needs without disqualifying them from critical state and federal benefits.

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ABLE Registration Video

ABLE Registration Video

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Managing ABLE Accounts for Individuals with Disabilities

Managing ABLE Accounts for Individuals with Disabilities

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Artist Saves for Own Home Using Oregon ABLE Account

Artist Saves for Own Home Using Oregon ABLE Account

Marie Blanchard, a ceramic artist who sells her work on Etsy, thinks people should open an Oregon ABLE Savings Plan account because it helps them save money for their bigger dreams. Marie has been using her Oregon ABLE account to buy into a community built around the needs of people with disabilities.

You can check out Marie's work at

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Take Control of Your Financial Future with Oregon ABLE: 2023 Edition

Take Control of Your Financial Future with Oregon ABLE: 2023 Edition

The Oregon ABLE Savings Plan gives people with disabilities and their families an opportunity to save money without getting disqualified from their state and federal benefits. Money saved in an ABLE account doesn't count against the asset limit for benefits like SSI, Oregon Health Plan, SNAP, Section 8 and more. Plus there are tax advantages!

To qualify for ABLE, you have to meet two criteria: your disability is severe enough to qualify you for SSI/SSDI (but you don't need to be currently receiving either) AND your disability started before the age of 26 (this changes to 46 on 1/1/2026). Qualifying disabilities can include both I/DD, physical disabilities and mental health conditions.

Learn everything there is to know about the Oregon ABLE Savings Plan including who is eligible, how it works, what you can save for and more.

Note: the state tax credit has increased to $170 for single filers and $340 for joint filers.

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ABLE Accounts Explained in Spanish

ABLE Accounts Explained in American Sign Language and Spanish

Las cuentas ABLE, explicado en lenguaje de señas americano (ASL). Las cuentas ABLE son una herramienta poderosa para las personas con discapacidades, que les permite ahorrar dinero para los gastos futuros sin afectar su elegibilidad para los beneficios del gobierno. En este video, desglosaremos todo lo que usted necesita saber sobre las cuentas ABLE, incluido cómo abrir una, cómo administrar y presupuestar los fondos, y las ventajas fiscales que estas ofrecen.

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ABLE Accounts Explained in American Sign Language

ABLE Accounts Explained in American Sign Language

ABLE accounts are a powerful tool for individuals with disabilities, allowing them to save money for future expenses without affecting their eligibility for government benefits. In this video, we will break down everything you need to know about ABLE accounts, including how to open one, how to manage and budget funds, and the tax advantages they offer.

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Invaluable: How to Start Work and Keep Your Benefits

Invaluable: How to Start Work and Keep Your Benefits

Want to start work but worry about what that would do to your benefits? Josh Goller, with Vocational Rehabilitation's Work Incentive Network, will share tips, tricks and resources to help you start working while keeping those benefits. There are lots of resources and programs out there to help. Let's figure out which ones are right for you!

This webinar is part of Oregon ABLE’s new Invaluable webinar series, where we learn how to the get most out of our money. Each month, we have an expert join us to talk about a different financial topic. We’ll cover everything from budgeting, to building credit, to how you can start working without losing your benefits.

Best yet, this series is specifically designed for people with disabilities. We want to make sure our conversations fit in with the reality of your life. We’ll let you know if those on benefits need to consider certain things, or if there’s a related resource you might not know about.

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Invaluable: How do I Build Credit?

Invaluable: How do I Build Credit?

Credit is one of the ways banks decide if they want to loan you money. But it also does so much more. It can impact both housing and job opportunities. Allison Falleur Barber, a financial coach with NW Access Fund, will explain what credit is, what our credit score is, and how we can work on building credit.

You can learn more about NW Access Fund at You can set up an email for financial coaching by emailing

This webinar is part of Oregon ABLE’s new Invaluable webinar series, where we learn how to the get most out of our money. Each month, we have an expert join us to talk about a different financial topic. We’ll cover everything from budgeting, to building credit, to how you can start working without losing your benefits.

Best yet, this series is specifically designed for people with disabilities. We want to make sure our conversations fit in with the reality of your life. We’ll let you know if those on benefits need to consider certain things, or if there’s a related resource you might not know about.

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Invaluable: Bill Planning During an Emergency

Invaluable: Bill Planning During an Emergency

Paying bills can be a challenge. But when life gets rough, it's even harder. Sarah Brooks, an asset building specialist with DevNW, helps us get ready for when an emergency strikes.

This is an episode of Oregon ABLE’s new Invaluable webinar series, where we learn how to the get most out of our money. Each month, we have an expert join us to talk about a different financial topic. We cover everything from budgeting, to building credit, to how you can start working without losing your benefits.

Best yet, this series is specifically designed for people with disabilities. We want to make sure our conversations fit in with the reality of your life. We’ll let you know if those on benefits need to consider certain things, or if there’s a related resource you might not know about.

To get a sworn declaration, go to

You can get help paying utilities (like electricity) with LIHEAP and other programs.

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Anytime you need help or are looking for a resource, dial 2-1-1.

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